May 10, 2020

The Cuba Show Edisi Puasa

The Cuba Show Edisi Puasa
A Korean guy who learns to fast

Channel: Astro Ria
Airtime: 6pm (Thursday & Friday)

A variety show about a singer, Hanbyul from South Korea having his first Ramadan in Malaysia. He is known for winning Big Stage competition in 2019. We can see how good is he in fasting. Throughout the show there will be a guest and Hanbyul will learn about Ramadhan season and what it is really about. During the show also there’s a slot for learning Korean teach by him himself. Anyone who would like to learn Korean also can watch the show.

Although I know the show didn’t shoot during Ramadhan, I want to know is he and his friends really fast during the shooting or it is just an act. So far the show quite funny and light-hearted

Episode 1 & 2

Sherry Alhadad is the first guest celebrity. During this episode, Sherry explained to Hanbyul the basic things about Ramadhan, the wisdom about fasting. She told him about her experience fasting when she was young. Four words in these episodes that we can learn the Korean language.

So, let's learn the Korean language. Here are the phrases from the first two episodes.

금식 = Fasting

오늘 금식하고 있습니다 = Today I'm fasting

늦게 = Late

오늘 늦게 일어났다 = I woke up late today

Episode 3 & 4

Sean Lee is the second guest on the show. In this episode Sean brings Hanbyul to bazar Ramadhan and introduces him to a number of popular dishes during Ramadhan. I’m impressed with Sean with his knowledge about Ramadhan when he explains to Hanbyul.

In episode 4 they learn how to operate a food truck with the truck owner from preparing until the closing of the food truck 

먹다 = Eat

나는 먹는 것을 좋아한다 = I like to eat

이금식 정말 맛있다 = The food is delicious 

맛있다 = Delicious

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